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When You Think it’s Over

When you think it’s over that’s usually when it just begins. Like reading a book and your close to the end. Its getting interesting and really good. You know the characters really well by now and you already can see where this is going. Yes, you say to yourself this is a happily ever after story. Then you turn the page last chapter of the book. However, this chapter is a doozy. Plot twist. The two main characters have parted ways and now you only know one characters view of the story. Everything that you thought would happen has vanished. This ending you didn't see coming. The last words on the last page is "to be continued." Maybe some of you have dealt with this situation. You saw your life headed in one direction and without a doubt you knew where everything was headed. Then a few bumps in the road and the next thing you know the relationship is over. You might have asked yourself how can it end like that? How is it really over? Well darling this isn't the ending its just beginning.

This just means that wasn't your greatest love story. That story is yet to come. That last book created a stronger wiser character. This time when you look at the title on the next book it says All About Me. Chapter one let go of all the different paths you thought your life was headed towards. I'm sure for many of us when we look at where we are today it isn't the picture of where we thought we would be. Heck a year ago I didn't think I would be where I am now. Get out of your mind and get in the presence. We don't know what tomorrow brings it is a mystery. So today is all we have, be in the moment. Do the things you have wanted to do. Take that solo trip out west, try the sip and paint class, and find your tribe. For so long you have focused on the path that you want your life on that you didn't appreciate where you are.

Don't be in a hurry to find your person because sometimes when we do we settle. We want it so badly to happen now that we accept things we don't really want in our life and we give up on things we truly need in a relationship. Other people see their life as on pause. They feel that they are just waiting for their person. So they don't want to do things like buy a house or try to get that new job because it might affect their person coming into their life. You are not on pause because you aren't in a relationship. Life is in motion. It doesn't stop. We need to learn to flow with life and let our hearts guide us. Deep down we know what brings us joy, peace, and love. In this chapter focus on those things and start implementing them back into your life. For some of us that's focusing on strengthening our faith, meditation, spending times outdoors, or reading a book. So when you are doing those things that bring you joy do it without expectations. Don't think this trip is going to change my life or maybe I will meet someone on this hike. Be in the moment enjoy the trip. Laugh at yourself on the hike when your almost at the top and your calves are burning. Your only focus is to take that moment for what it is. Expectations bring let down and let down brings sadness. There is no need to feel that way after doing something that brings you peace. Instead you should celebrate that your are doing the things you want. Focus on your personal goals. Mine have changed over the years. I feel like I am fine tuning what I truly desire. Let go of the goal of finding your person and focus on finding you. Because when you are busy finding you, doing the things you love that's when your person might just come along or might not. But remember that isn't what you are focusing on and you aren't reading that book yet.



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I enjoy getting to share experiences I am going through in hopes of letting others know they are not alone. We all have been through similar situations, journeys, love, and heartbreak. Life is like a roller coaster and has lots of ups and downs. So like two friends having coffee or your drink of choice you are welcome here. Come on in. Get comfy and lets share together, laugh, cry, and support each other.  Feel free to reach out anytime. 

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