Poems about love that ended
As you can tell I am a person that feels deeply. Writing is something that allows me to express, validate, and understand my feelings. Something that makes you feel is something worth valuing. Don't waste your time with things that numb you. These are about intense love that came to an end. Remind yourself when someone says you are to much, you love to much that means that they aren’t enough for you. That you need more.
My Fire
you ignited something inside me
something that I thought died from the last time my heart was hurt
but after time I have came to realize
that what you ignited wasn’t something that had been on fire before
you touched a place in me that no one else did
a place where I felt free to be myself so much so that anytime I put the pen to the paper your face would appear
my hand couldn’t stop writing what my heart felt
since then my hand continues to write
different things now
but still hopefully things
I’m honest with myself now
I listen to my head and still feel deeply with my heart
thanks to you my book became real
you were my first pages
and in all the pages after I found
Our Dance
In that moment I put my hand in yours
and like a puzzle it fit
you spun me around that kitchen floor
like I hoped you would a million times
with every laugh and every stumble
I let myself slip into you
I let you in
like the mist coming off of a waterfall
so refreshing and rare
a beautiful sight that kept pulling me in
the song ended and so did our dance
I’m left with the tune in my head
and the ache in my heart
not sure if the next hand reaching out for a dance will fit
it won’t be like before that I know for sure
but life goes on and it’s to short not to dance
so today I dance alone with the radio up
listening to a new song
and sometimes I hear that song
the one we use to dance to
and I close my eyes not able to dance along
frozen listening to the words
but I do smile and remember when I did
it will forever be our song to me
be still my heart
let me move my feet
let the music take me forward instead of pulling me back
let the lyrics ease my mind and remind me it will all be alright
I write today to be thankful for yesterday.
I had moments of joy, laughter til I cried, and I was held to sleep.
Even though it was for a little while I am thankful for it.
in those moments I had no idea they wouldn’t last.
I felt like you would never be a stranger to me again.
Ironically the closer I got to you and the more I wanted you I was pushing you away.
I was ready for tomorrow’s with you and you were only ready for today’s.
Now you are gone and worst than a stranger now.
You are a memory that with every waking day pieces fade away.
I try to hold onto your smile and your big laugh.
The way you sing to me late into the night.
I have lost someone who was dear to me.
That I felt for deep in my soul.
The first person I was able to be myself fully with and be free at the same time.
Now you have shut me out.
My safe place is no longer.
I’m back alone in this world again.
This time a little more fragile, another person has gone before I was ready.
But I guess this is where my new journey begins.
I’m sad you have decided not to come along.
I will remember you with a smile on my face and a tear in my eye.
I’m not sure if I will ever be ready to fully let you go, but I know I must not hold onto something I never truly had.
You will always be like a dream. with you it felt so real, but now I’m awake and I know it was just a dream.
I pray for strength for my journey ahead. For I know the last chapter I have cried to many tears.
May those tears carry me away to higher grounds and places I have never imagined.