Disney Here We Come

This a continuing to my last blog about how at 5pm on a Friday I decided to take my kids to Disney. I booked it, packed us up, stopped by Walmart and bought as many Disney shirts for us and snacks and got on the road.
Changing History
The whole drive included talking about our favorite Disney movies, wondering what kindof rides they would have, and would we actually see Ariel, Stitch, and Mickey my children's favorites. As the kids squealed and laughed on the 6 1/2 hour drive my mother came to mind. I remember my parents divorcing when I was the same age as my son now. My brother the same age as my middle child. I remember my mother giving us over and beyond in our childhood. She would give the shirt off her back. She is an amazing mother who tried her best and gave her all. I do remember Disney as a child. So many years growing up I heard we would go next year next summer. I remember always wanting to go like my friends in school. It seemed like such a magical place. We did have nice vacations growing up to the beach and mountains. Disney however was just out of our reach. I know my mom tried to take us. Financially, circumstances, and as life happens things just kept preventing it. I know my mom always felt bad that we never got to go. Today I changed our family cycle. I started off this new stage in my children and my life with Disney. This new chapter included me being a single mom that was blessed to be able to say yes to Disney. I know what you are thinking that sounds materialistic. It was more metaphorical to me. That all my fears that I thought this divorce would bring that I could be wrong. That this divorce won't fill our lives with we can't, instead it will be full of yes we can. Now I know there will be things that I wont be able to do, buy, or go see. there will be no's. But I won't hold myself to a stigmatism. That me being a single mom to 3 won't limit us. We will do things as a family of 4. It might take longer, look different, and sound crazy but we will.
We Got This
“Orange cheeto dust across my chest and a smile on my face"
If you heard about someone's Disney trip you have heard them all. I will just get to the good stuff. Once we arrived there I remember this phrase coming out of my mouth, "we got this." I told them if we can do Disney alone we can do anything. After I said that I truly beleived it. Everyone thought I was crazy to go to Disney alone with 3 small kids. For me I knew this would be our norm. Me plus three all alone. If I said we couldn't do Disney because I was a single mom alone what else up ahead would I say we couldn't? So instead I said, "We got this." Close your eyes and see the huge Disney Castle. Standing infront of it is a 5'3 woman early 30's. She's got a 3 1/2 year old eating cheetos while sitting on her shoulders. The mom has one hand on a double stroller that has a 1 1/2 year old girl and a 5 year old boy in it. The mom has cheeto dust from the kids across her chest and on her pants. Everyone is smiling and wearing mickey mouse ears. There eyes are big and full of excitement. That was pretty much our trip. We were at the parks all day everyday. Shuttling back and forth for lunch and naps. It was amazing, magical, and unforgettable.
We Did It
That trip was necessary for my little family. And from it came out family phrase we got this. No matter what comes our way I know we got this. God has his hand over us and I have to trust in his plan. I know some of you can relate to this and have had your we got this moments. This chapter strengthens you for the things up ahead. Be gentle to yourself and understand that their will be a new norm and things are changing and some of those changes are going to be for the better. I hope you enjoyed hearing about our first single mom family adventure.