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Feeling the Love Poems

First love for poetry came from the lovey dovey ones. The one where the author poured their heart out. You could feel their heart beating on every line as you read it. I felt understood reading these types of poems because I am that kind of lover. Where the love jumps off of the pages. These poems below when I wrote them I had happy tears coming down my face. My hands were filled with electricity as I wrote. My mind and heart were in sync and my fingers put the emotions I felt into words. Feel the love in these poems. Its real, raw, and pure love.


I didn’t see you coming

you took me by surprise

but when I looked into your eyes

I saw you and you saw me

your hand felt familiar

your laugh made me smile

from the first moment on I knew

that I was meant to meet you.

If you stay stay forever

if you go go knowing that our souls

will forever be connected

and you will always be

the best unexpected thing that has ever happened to me

Loving You

Loving you was something I had no control over

my heart fell for you before my mind could tell it I’m not ready

I fell for your honesty, rawness in your speech

the way your eyes still sparkled even after all you had been through

the gentleness in your touch

the comfort in your embrace

then that kiss

you drew me in with that kiss

I felt passion I hadn’t felt before

you gave me hope

then you let me love on you

I loved you with my eyes

couldn’t help staring at your smile and the creases around your eyes

I loved you with my hands

like a magnet I was drawn to touch you

to hold your hand randomly during an embrace

to rub your back as you fell asleep

my hands were made to touch you

before I knew it every part of me was in love with you

my mind already lost the battle to protect my heart

loving you was not a choice

loving you was inevitable

In the Rain

Dance with me in the rain

let it wash away our fears

let it bring you near

hold me close as we laugh

feel free to let go and be yourself

don’t let the we shouldn’t stand in our way

just be with me and dance in the rain

twirl me around and don’t let me fall

let the rain touch our skin and make us new again

I will close my eyes and focus on the smell of the rain

so fresh, clean, and earthy

let’s dance until our smiles bring happy tears

for our souls have found the one whom it finds rest with

the one who makes it feel alive and electric at the same time

as we begin to get cold from the summer rain bring me closer

for a slow dance

the song only we know

the one we hum along to as I lay my head on your chest

be with me now in this moment

dance with me in the rain

Meant to Be

What if we met at a different time

would you notice me across the room?

would our eyes meet and our mouths smile?

Or would you just walk by without saying a word

I would like to believe in a million different scenarios we would meet

how it would start only God knows

but somewhere in the middle of it we would smile, laugh, I would casually touch your arm

and it would feel like I had done it so many times before

I would find comfort in you

and you would find peace in me

it would feel like a childhood friend that I had known my whole life and we finally reconnected

we could be ourselves

the side that not many see

say silly things

dance how we want

laugh til we cry

in the mist of it all we would become closer and closer

our hearts would connect

our hands intertwined

and our lips would meet

we would fit

so perfectly that I would be surprised how for so long I didn’t realize it was you that was missing

now that we have meet

I hope no matter what millions of scenarios are up a head

that you never become a stranger to me again

that you will be you

and I will be me

we will be us

that will forever be

The Way I Love

I love with every part of me.

First my mind.

Seeing someone for who they are,

wanting to understand where they have been and where they want to go

Loving all the things that have made them the person standing in front of me

Feeling the desire to help them succeed in their dreams and goals

Then my heart falls

my heart aches for their touch

Beats faster when I see their smile

Races until I am finally in their embrace, and then like magic it melts

Begins to follow their heart’s rhythm

Like a breath of fresh air I begin to relax and feel comforted, familiarity, home

Oh and then it reaches my soul my dear

This is when my love for you becomes so deep yet so simple

Everyday I want it to begin and end with you

My only desire is to be near you

My happiness is felt the most with my arms wrapped around you

From this moment on I am yours

I am yours in all that I do, feel, and love

My loyalty is without compare because I have reached a point of no return

No one could ever compare to you

For the rest of my life thru the highs and lows my love will remain

I will be your best friend, lover, fighter, your safe place like you are for me

When you love someone love freely, without limitations

Love was never meant to be felt sometimes, with restrictions, or walls

Love is an act of giving and putting someone else first and when you give it to the right person you get to feel true love in return

Soulmates are real and with your mate will your soul find peace.



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